Landscaping & Materials

Materials and façade treatment

Following the consultation on our early proposals in July this year, we have made some changes to the building façade to reflect its context within the wider Swiss Cottage area.

The proposed façade amendments include a minimal palette of materials, utilising rounded balconies, different window sizes and brick detailing to create subtle recesses and projections, to provide visual interest. The updated façade treatment will seek to maximise sustainability and energy efficiency, to reduce overall running costs for each apartment.

A light and warm brick tone is proposed for the Tower block. In contrast to the Tower a light warm grey is proposed for the lower block continuing the existing street scene with the library, helping to reflect more light into the Swiss Cottage Open Space area.

Indicative Floor Plans

Open space and landscaping

The site benefits from the provision of green open spaces within reasonable walking distance that provide a range of activities and uses. Our proposals intend to add to this, by providing a range of amenity and landscaping options. The Lower Block terraces can provide 0–4-year play provision and some 5-11 years play provision.

To ensure that the landscape design is welcoming, attractive and inclusive, reference has been made to the Make Space For Girls handbook to inform the design of 100 Avenue Road. The public realm space includes:

  • Different seating opportunities
  • Green links between the new development, Swiss Cottage Open Space and surrounding landscaped areas, softening the visual impact of the development and integrating it with the neighbouring open space area
  • Age-appropriate play spaces
  • Multifunctional outdoor areas that can be used for a range of activities
  • Natural surveillance and visibility throughout the spaces
  • Extensive planting along Avenue Road and alongside the Swiss Cottage Open Space, softening the development at ground- floor level, providing biodiversity opportunities and creating a welcoming and attractive place for the whole community to enjoy
  • Creating landscaped views through the development from Avenue Road to the Swiss Cottage Open Space


We would appreciate if you could take the time to let us know your thoughts on the proposals using the feedback form available.