Our proposals

Since Regal agreed to purchase the site, we have been keen to improve the proposals for the site and ensure the development best responds to its surroundings and integrates with the existing neighbourhood.

Whilst we plan to bring forward the site largely in line with the existing planning permission, we need to make some minor changes, including adding a second staircase to meet latest fire safety legislation that has changed since the permission was granted.

Unlike Essential Living’s proposals which provided ‘Discount Market Rent’ homes to be managed by the developer, we will build homes for sale and affordable housing to be managed by a housing association.

A Construction Management Plan will be put in place that is in line with the plan previously produced by Essential Living, which was approved.

In July, we consulted on our proposed amendments to the proposals for the development of 100 Avenue Road with new homes, commercial and community spaces.

We outlined that there were only certain aspects of the proposals that would be updated, and so asked for feedback on the type of landscaped spaces and homes proposed, the external appearance of the building and any other key considerations.

You told us that you would welcome changes to the external materials to be more sympathetic to the area and the inclusion of large areas of grass, trees and increased greenery throughout the public spaces.

Working with our design team, we have reviewed the feedback received and in response we have:

  • Updated the proposed external building materials – a high-quality pale red and grey brick façade to better reflect the buildings’ context within the wider Swiss Cottage and South Hampstead area.
  • Refreshed landscaping proposals – updated public realm that maximises greening opportunities with extensive planting and creates spaces for all.

A number of respondents continued to raise concerns with the overall height of the development. We acknowledge these concerns, but while the design has been updated, no changes are proposed to reduce the height or mass of the consented scheme.

Our plans will deliver:

Around 236 new homes.

35% critically needed affordable homes to be managed by a housing association.

New commercial space and new community space for The Winch that better serves the operational needs of the charity.

New homes in a sustainable location close to public transport links, and local shops and services.

An attractive development which meets the latest fire safety legislation with the inclusion of additional stairwells.

An updated design that sympathetically uses brick to better reflect the surrounding area.

Community-driven approach to public open spaces and landscaping, including an area for play and rooftop amenity spaces.

Tree planting and greening throughout the development, providing opportunities for biodiversity.

New employment opportunities throughout construction and future commercial premises, significantly contributing to the local economy.

Significant investment and expenditure in the local area during construction and following completion.

A long-approved scheme, ensuring the contributions to Camden’s housing needs and the benefits to the wider area can be realised

If you would like to see the detailed plans in full, you can download our detailed plans document here. This was shared at the Camden Development Management Forum which took place in September 2024

Increased affordable housing

Around 35% of the homes will be affordable. There is a significant waiting list for affordable housing in Camden and our updated plans will deliver a greater number of affordable homes at a lower cost than the previous planning consent. 
Our proposed affordable housing provision would be managed and let by a registered housing provider and will likely consist of a mixture tenures, including:

  • Social rent: this is the most affordable type of housing, which are set at a level that is within the allowance for housing benefit, meaning that you do not need other sources of funding to pay rent. This type of affordable housing helps people get off the Council’s housing register waiting list and into a new home. 
  • London Affordable Rent: this is a type of low cost rented housing which has rents which are less than 80% of market rent, which are set by a national formula, but capped by GLA benchmarks. This type of affordable housing is also allocated to people on the Council’s housing register.
  • London Living Rent: this type of affordable housing is slightly more expensive than social rent, but still less than intermediate rent and is aimed at those middle-income residents in London who want to build up savings to buy a home through shared ownership. These rental levels are set by the GLA and have an eligibility criteria.
  • Intermediate rent: this type of affordable housing is available for those whose annual household income is between £20,000 – £70,000, and costs slightly more than social rent. Those interested in this type of affordable rent will sign up to a register and they will be included if eligible.


We would appreciate if you could take the time to let us know your thoughts on the proposals using the feedback form available.