Welcome to the dedicated website for our amended proposals for the redevelopment of 100 Avenue Road, Camden.
Planning permission was secured in 2016 for the redevelopment of the site with 184 new homes, commercial and community spaces. Whilst the permission has been implemented, with the basement works complete, the further development of the site has stalled for a significant length of time. We have agreed to purchase 100 Avenue Road from Essential Living, to develop the site.
In July 2024, we launched our first round of community engagement with two in-person consultation events, where we asked for your opinions on our proposals. If you would like to see the banners that were displayed at this exhibition, click here.
We outlined that there were only certain aspects of the proposals that would be updated, and so asked for feedback on the type of landscaped spaces and homes proposed, the external appearance of the building and any other key considerations.
We are keen to understand the views of local residents before submitting our amendments to Camden Council and will reengage with the community in the coming months. If you would like to be kept up to date on the progress of our proposals, please use the below contact details.
If you would like to see detailed plans, please view the ‘Our Proposals’ tab or download our detail plans document here.
Public consultation
Thank you for visiting Regal’s dedicated consultation website for the proposals for new homes, commercial and community spaces at 100 Avenue Road. This consultation has now closed. Here’s a reminder of what are proposals are looking to deliver:
- Around 236 much-needed new homes, including 35% affordable
- New commercial and community space for The Winch
- An updated design that reflects the surrounding area
- Community-driven approach to public open spaces and landscaping
- New employment opportunities and significant investment and expenditure in the local community.
If you would like to learn more about the proposals, feel free to have a look around our website.
You can also find a link to our detailed plans document that was shared at our Development Management Forum in September this year. This document is also available in the ‘Archive Links’ tab – Download detailed plans document here
Community Engagement
We understand that there have been concerns raised by local residents regarding the consultation and our plans more broadly, and we are in the process of responding to emails that we have received.
To clarify the steps we have taken to promote the consultation, we have outlined our process below
Our consultation launched online on 4th November and concluded on 17th November, to advertise the consultation we:
- Sent leaflets via Royal Mail to over 5,000 addresses in the local area from 25th October
- Hand-delivered leaflets to Winchester Road, following feedback at the last consultation in Summer 2024 that Royal Mail had failed to deliver to some buildings
- Promoted social media advertisements to those in the Swiss Cottage area advertising the consultation and linking to a feedback survey
- Sent a press release to the Camden New Journal and had the consultation information published in the letters section
- Emailed local stakeholders comprising elected members, community groups, local businesses and residents’ associations
- Updated our website to promote the consultation and the information relating to in-person events.
You can view the boards that were available at the exhibition here. If you have any questions on this, or would like to receive additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Non Material Amendment Application
We have recently submitted a non-material amendment application to London Borough of Camden Council for the approved 100 Avenue Road permission.
This application seeks only to alter and simplify the description of development and impose a new condition which contains the specific residential unit numbers, building storey heights and the quantum of floorspace which is proposed to be removed from the description, ahead of the submission of the Section 73 application.
For more information, the application can be found on Camden’s website here using the following application number: 2024/5432/P
Stopping Up Order
For your information, we have recently submitted a Section 247 Stopping Up Order to the London Borough of Camden.
A Stopping Up Order has been applied for to close areas of highway around the 100 Avenue Road site to allow for its redevelopment. The majority of the footway width will remain the same. You can see the areas of highway proposed to be closed in the Stopping Up Plan here.
This Stopping Up Order relates to the existing permission and approved development, and has been considered necessary by Camden Council to regularise the consented scheme. If you have any queries about the Stopping Up Order, please get in touch with the team.
If you would like to provide your comments to the Council regarding the Stopping Up Order, please get in touch with Elliott Della by e-mail to StoppingUp@camden.gov.uk or to Engineering Service, Room 4N/5PS, Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 8EQ by 9th January 2025.
EIA Screening
For your information, we have recently submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion Request to the London Borough of Camden.
‘Screening’ is a procedure used to determine whether a proposed development is likely to have significant effects on the environment and as such would require an EIA to assess these effects.
For the extant scheme, it was determined that an EIA was not considered to be required. Instead, potential environmental effects were fully assessed through standalone reports that accompanied the planning application.
We consider that the amendments to the scheme do not warrant the need for an EIA and so we are proposing to take the same approach and potential environmental effects will be assessed through updated reports that accompany the Section 73 application.
Listed sculpture temporary relocation
Regal recently submitted three applications to the London Borough of Camden in respect of the previously approved relocation of the Grade II Listed Hampstead Figure Sculpture for a temporary period, which have now been approved by Council Officers.
The purpose of the applications was to secure the continued temporary re-location of the Hampstead Figure Sculpture until 31/12/2028, in order to align with Regal’s expected timescales for the redevelopment of the Site.
These applications serve an administrative purpose and were discussed with the London Borough of Camden prior to submission. Importantly, there is no change to the current approved location, and the intention is for this to continue, to mitigate any potential damage to the Hampstead Figure Sculpture.
For more information, the applications can be found on Camden’s website here and can be found using the following application numbers:
- 2024/1964/P NMA
- 2024/1970/P S73
- 2024/1953/L LBC
On-site activity
There has recently been some activity on-site around the boundary with the park area, which has been re-landscaped. This area was the subject of a license that Essential Living had in place with Camden in relation to the previous construction works.
Regal is currently working up its amended proposals for the redevelopment of the site, which will seek to deliver this long-standing project for the benefit of the community. Given this, construction work is not anticipated to progress until next year. With this in mine, the existing park license has been discontinued and the area temporarily re-landscaped.
Once construction recommences, Regal will seek a new license from Camden, adopting the same approach as the previously approved Construction Management Plan, for all construction access to be from Avenue Road.
Key benefits

The delivery of a long-approved scheme, helping contribute towards local housing needs

Delivering around 236 high-quality new homes, including affordable housing

New community space for The Winch

A new commercial space

New landscaped areas and public open space

New play space to encourage outside activity for local children

New employment opportunities throughout construction and future commercial premises, significantly contributing to the local economy

Significant investment and expenditure in the local area during construction and following completion
Contact us
Phone: 0800 298 7040
Email: 100avenueroad@regal.co.uk